Our team

Welcome to SCN Gaming, the ultimate destination for competitive gaming enthusiasts. Our team is made up of passionate gamers from all over the world, united by our love for gaming and the desire to dominate the virtual world. At SCN Gaming, we strive to create a community that not only focuses on competitive gaming, but also embraces casual players and creates a fun and inclusive environment for everyone. We believe that gaming is not just about winning, but also about the friendships and connections that we make along the way.

SCN Jimmy

Manager of SCN Gaming. Head of content creation and head of business enquires 

Email: scn.gaming@hotmail.com

SCN Occyz

Co-founder and competitive player

Email: scn.gaming@hotmail.com

SCN Arthur

Co-founder and competitive player

Email: scn.gaming@hotmail.com



Co-founder and competitive player

Email: scn.gaming@hotmail.com

SCN Caspi


Email: scn.gaming@hotmail.com

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